
Free Emblems, Quion Location Cards, Musicboxes, Prize Wheel Tickets, Keys, Pies, Drinks, Meat, Rainbows, Shiny Objects, & CrabPod Headphones!

There are hundreds of them for free on my street by the signpost :)

Take some. Take all. No need to drop things in exchange =^^=

Posted 11 years ago by xombiekitty Subscriber! | Permalink


  • Added more stuff!
    Come and take it all away =^^=
    Posted 11 years ago by xombiekitty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Only Keys, Emblems, Cards, and Rainbows left now :)
    Posted 11 years ago by xombiekitty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Hi stopped by your place, thanks very much for the cards, there are a few places I hadn't been to and now I can make sure I'll get there! :D

    I accidentally clicked on the giant emblem and it said I wasn't allowed to pick it up. I didn't want it anyway, I've got a bunch myself, but it made me wonder if this was a problem with all emblems, cause I wanted to give a bunch away too and I'd like to make sure people can actually take them and that I'm not just sticking them somewhere where no one can get at them. I also noticed the same with the random kindness thing, but I know I've picked them up in the past, so I don't know what the deal would be with that.
    Posted 11 years ago by Sparklepunk Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks for for stopping by! Glad you got some stuff to enjoy :)
    Feel free to visit again for more items :)

    I don't know what is going on with the items. Some stick, most don't. Thanks for letting me know!
    I had to pick up icons earlier today for someone, yet most have disappeared on their own, just like the Rainbows.

    If anyone is after stuff they can't pick up, leave a message with my butler and I'll drop the items off to your butler :)
    Posted 11 years ago by xombiekitty Subscriber! | Permalink
  • Thanks, I picked up some of the cards that I didn't have before!
    Posted 11 years ago by Arriethay Subscriber! | Permalink