
How has Glitch extended into your offline world, your Real Life, in a meaningful way?

"How do I meaningfully extend game play beyond the browser, across mobile and even into the offline world?" - Stoot Barfield.

This is a question that will be addressed by Stoot speaking at the SXSW conference 2012 (referenced by @nanookie). I want to let Stoot/Tiny Speck know that glitch has extended meaningfully into my offline world. Sure it could refer to having a glitch t-shirt, little glitch figures, glitch poster on the wall and a glitch ringtone. But for me it’s letting my glitch philosophy carry over into real life.

Today I got frustrated at the grocery with everyone being hurried, pushy or oblivious. Normally I would take a second and remind myself to love the souls struggling with this human existence, blah blah blah, and still be cranky. Then I had an idea. I took a deep breath and used my inner-glitch to change everyone else into glitches.

It was like magic. I was immediately amused and took great pleasure in imagining which glitch they would be, what was their outfit, hairstyle, mask or hat. It made me happier. It also made it easier to understand their behaviors. For example, some of them don’t want share their rock in the mine or share the door to the frozen pizza section. Some of them just want to wander and others are racing to get a quest done before their energy runs too low. Some of them just got back from hell and are worried about their crops or piggy’s.  I also knew that should a Rook show up, we would all rally, protect each other and defend against a common enemy.

In some funny glitch way, I felt more connected with all those strangers than before. I also realized we could all be playing together very soon.  So my intention with this question is to let Stoot know he has been successful.  For me, Glitch is crossing over in a meaningful way and extending game play into the real world. So please share how Glitch has extended into your offline world, RL, in a meaningful way. 

Posted 13 years ago by coolbettycakes Subscriber! | Permalink


  • coolbettycakes, discussions about real life are best kept to Off Topic. But I also want to hear more about the things you've mentioned from other players: I know at least one person who found that Glitch offered her an outlet during a difficult period in her life, and think these stories are a wonderful example of how the game is truly bigger than what transpires within the browser boundaries. 
    Posted 13 years ago by Blanky Subscriber! | Permalink