
Forum Searching Game

Everyone knows that forum search results are ordered akin to a monkey throwing a crate of watermelons into a jet engine. So, I have devised a game to at least make searching fun, since it's rarely useful:

Think of a single word, and search for it on the forums.
Count the number of posts, on the first page of results, that are 3 months old, or older (hint: Ctrl+F and search for "months").
Add a bonus point for each result that's a year old, or older.
Add a bonus point if the total number of matches is a prime number.
Post your word and score here.

For example:
Monkey: 87 results, and on the first page of results there are 9 posts >= 3 months, of which 3 >= year.
Total score: 9 + 3 + 0 = 12

I'll send a small (and I do mean small, so don't get your hopes up) gift to the highest score by this Sunday, 8pm GMT. Assuming anyone can be bothered....

Posted 13 years ago by Bobby Chuckles Subscriber! | Permalink