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lady jennabell's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

lady jennabell's Home Street

Owned by lady jennabell


A Firefly Swarm, 6 Jellisac Growths, 3 Mortar Barnacles, 2 Peat Bogs, 3 Wood Trees, 1 Bean Tree, 1 Spice Plant, 1 Gas Plant, 1 Sparkly Rock for mining, 1 Beryl Rock for mining, and 1 Metal Rock for mining.


m1ss1nG s0m3 p0rK??
iF yOu EVer wAnT tO s33 Y0uR p1gg1E aGA1N, L3Ave 1,000,000 unMaRk3d cuRRantS w1Th TH3 cH1cK3n 1N N1Ra n00ks.D0n'T tRY t0 AleRT tH3 AUTH0rit13s, we'r3 WATCHING.

- th3 p1GGy bAnd1T
As wood-floored rectangles go, it's nice. _________________________ | | | | ------------------------------------ But imagine what it could be...with a well placed bomb... _________________________ | | | @'''* | ------------------------------------ Mmmm, explosions! .....---~~-/==+-.-.'''~ _________________________/- | ~---.-=''--* | ---==@ ~~/ ------------------------------------\ __~_ | / \____~~-.-..*._ Think outside the rectangle.