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zoey10189st's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

zoey10189st's Home Street

Owned by zoey10189st


1 Bubble Tree, 1 Fruit Tree, 12 Herb Garden plots, and 15 Crop Garden plots.


Hotel guests staying with us
cheese danish king- paid for a week 23rd of Widdershins rook room room service too, Year 23
watchbear- bought for 3 days 35th of widdershins 23yr room service too
This is a wonderfull place I just can't figure out how to pick up some of the free things that are here? and where do I buy the seeds?

Many-Harvest Cordial
Please dont pick up
13 Hard bubbles
7 White bubbles
2 Essence Of rookswort
4 Esssnce of rubeweed
if you want a recipe of this then it is only 25c and i will give it to your butler or give it to you
Soak all solution
13 Bule bubbles 10 Crying gas 4 Essence Of silvertounge 5 Essence OF Gandlevery
Liquid Super-Hoe
15 Hard bubbles 7 white Gas 2 essence of rookswort 1 essence of Hairball