DB Error: 3 Error writing file '/tmp/MYMGCMvq' (Errcode: 28 - No space left on device)
Ooola's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

Ooola's Home Street

Owned by Ooola


9 Jellisac Growths, and 2 Peat Bogs.


How HARD could it BE?
Write something!
No one is watching.
Write something!
I should never have switched from Scotch
.... to Martinis. Humphrey Bogart's dying words.
Where is my clock?
~ Salvador Dali
Now why did I do that?
Watch out for that tree!
George, George.. George of the Jungle!
Watchout for that TREE!
They are too big to fail.
"They" meaning banks, brokers, and all the other corporations that failed or were bailed out by governments.
It's not loaded.
Half of life is fucking up...
.. the other half is dealing with it.
I want to wait to have sex...
...until I am married. ~ young Britney Spears