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I'm Chris's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

I'm Chris's Home Street

Owned by I'm Chris


A Firefly Swarm, 3 Jellisac Growths, 1 Peat Bog, 1 Dirt Pile, 1 Bubble Tree, 1 Gas Plant, 1 Bean Tree, 1 Metal Rock for mining, 1 Dullite Rock for mining, 1 Sparkly Rock for mining, 1 Beryl Rock for mining, and 23 Crop Garden plots.


Join route?
I was wondering if you had specific routes?
ATM, I have fruit trees and spice trees at my house.
IM back if on, if not just mail or drop note at my door.
I'm also gonna get piggies soon.
A note!
I would also like to join a route