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Meezley's Home Street | Locations | Glitch

Meezley's Home Street

Owned by Meezley


6 Jellisac Growths, 3 Mortar Barnacles, 1 Peat Bog, 1 Dirt Pile, 3 Wood Trees, 1 Fruit Tree, 1 Spice Plant, 2 Beryl Rocks for mining, 1 Dullite Rock for mining, 1 Metal Rock for mining, and 8 Herb Garden plots.


Thank you!
Thank you so much for stocking that antique spigot!
My account's less than a month old, so I couldn't afford one when they were available at the vendor.
After about 2 weeks of all-nighters and endless farming - all the while watching the prices rise quicker than i could save - I finally hit 930k today and was so relieved to see yours hadn't sold yet.

Thankyou for helping a noob Glitche's spigotty dreams come true :)