Akira's Snaps

Still have the upper left to finish and some sdbs to put up~. :D
The quietest these five have ever been.
But... I wanted my mail. :\
Neated up the first floor a bit. (Though I'm not going to go OCD...
Favorite thinking spot at my house. So pretty up here.
Work in progress!
Love the sunset effect of this new region. Can't wait to explore...
Uh... Maybe this place isn't so fun.
Exploring New Places.
A hidden herb garden!
The fun has been doubled!
Old house, no door! D:
Growing a new spice tree!
Hiding in a tree~. :3
After a long day of mining...
Camping in Badvi Bist
Someone got squished... :\
Invisible ledge!
Who's leaving toxic waste in the seam streets? D:
Now that Glitchen with the skill to make SDBs (SBDs?...
I keep finding these little poems by Rena all over Ur. Awesome.
I guess you can't spell HOPE without HOE.
A depressed chicken.
Teleported back into the Quarter. So sad. ;-;
Fossils in Bakean Stutter? Or pre-historic Glitchen wall paintings?
Home Sweet Home~