FaunaJo's Snaps

High flying seagull in Summer Day
Summer's Day
Contraband - hehe
Here Lies TalonStorm
Trying to teleport with friends in tow
Plexus in Seam Streets
Plexus in Seam Streets
Normal Day of Work in Bureaucratic Hall
Bureacratic Hall Guy - they are cute in their suits!
Just a dream?
More crazy glitchiness!
Hot spot!
Gotta love free goodies :)
Fox Brushing :)
Found a door in Seeyam Far, Salatu June 8th
Juju Bandit! Wanted to get a photo of one but got a key stolen in...
Yoga mail frog :)
So much to organize and more coming in!
Got President of Fruit Picking Inc at this tree - 5,003 cherries...
Deodak Nabak in Fenneq
Don't eat the mushrooms!
Autumn Lodge in Seam Streets-discovered June 7th, 2012
Autumn Lodge
There is always a first time for everything!