RainCat's Snaps

Alpine Pig :) I miss the snow sometimes. Until I travel to where...
I had to look hard to find this gravestone...missed it my first...
I feel much happier now :)
Twilight dreams
This is disturbingly familiar...
Someone has eaten too much chocolate
Finally I found a pet cat! Can I keep it? Please?
Something is wrong here, but I can't quite figure out what....
Beautiful! I am taking time to stop and admire the lights (and...
I am either scouting the terrain or contemplating a long jump
Into the gap...
Color may come, dear chicken, color may come...see the hint in...
In olden times, in the world before color... B&W Glitchen
Wait...do I know how to swim?
Now where is that Qurazy Quoin?
Challenge (self-imposed) run the gaunlet of quoins without...
Tundra Chickens - especially adapted to the cold weather
Good night, Owl
Can I keep it? Please?
Heli Kitties and a Piggy on Ice...just managed to snap this as I...
I am sure all these stalactites are perfectly safe to walk under....
In which I admire the winter scenery and wonder where I left my...
With some relief, I escape the ice cave (are those teeth or...
CDK fashion show
CDK's fahsion show part 1
My head is suddenly very cold...why I am I having visions of a...
An icy hand....