MG Liuli's Snaps

Finding the hidden spots while zoomed out.
I can see all the things!!
ZOOM!!!! (zoomed out for the first time ever)
The rock, it has a name.
So... ummm... yeah... how do you get that potion?
Eyeballering the bartender eyeballering the glass.
Made it!
Hrrmm... not sure how I'm supposed to reach quoins or ledges down...
Hoping it doesn't fall on my head...
Just going for a stroll in this very red place...
Wow, haven't seen this style of landscape before.
Clustery Cebarkol during Zilloween (a wireframe-free snap!)
Candy time!
Playing the conch for Grendaline.
Thinking happy peaceful thoughts...
Barnacles on the Moon! Along with appropiate, and jivey, thematic...
I wonder if Eglantine would mind me moving in...
There's even a tree house with a "love"ly sign!
Cool place!
Home Sweet Home
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