Jope's Snaps

Splankin Stoot!
My butler is seriously malfunctioning!
I feel like Edward Cullen
I'm on stoot's street sign. What a stalker.
My wife dropped by my swingin bachelor pad today.
You should call first.
Jope is sooooo wasted.
Amazing work Creative team at Tiny Speck! This is beautiful!
Find the Jope in this picture
I really like my new ledge in my back yard, but the wind always...
Alone with my smelter. Good night Ur.
The Pile up tonight was OUTRAGEOUS! and so geometric.
This is a complicated construction executed by trained...
glassy + diaveborn = AWESOME
like these yetiScions
It's made of PEOPLE!!!
BBQ MuppetHead. That's HOT!
more kisses for ghosts.
kisses for ghosts
Crrrystal laid an egg.
cubi races at my studio
a butterfly got lose in the house
Diablo didn't photograph well in this one
Diablo and MuppetHead dropped by my studio today
cute rememberance.