Mocha Maid's Snaps

What's inside the tree?
Glitchen in a tree...
Another high view
Toxic Moon
Nearly there!
Summer's Day - next stage
A Summer's Day - start
More candy-swapping
Flying Glitchen!
More csndy-swapping at Somewhat Slump
Zilloween candy in Somewhat Slump
Candy-swapping in Somewhat Slump
Josiah's Butler box - (didn't take a picture of mine)
Trying to dancde with Modestine!
Modestine, my Butler
A key installation
Cross crab...: (
Couldn't see these nests before - hope they aren't for wasps!
Where I used to live...
My Mister Smoochie and me!
In the moon!
In the moon!
Tree has cheesy feet!
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