Shadowstrike's Snaps

Gorgeous sunset in Roobrik
Rock is the watcher / the gnome, he just sits there / Pierrot is...
Meet Pierrot, my faithful Botler :-)
Wait, I didn't order anything...
I don't care if you're trying to read, Magic Rock!
A Tree Grows in Ilmenskie
Aye! 'Tis a fine note post indeed!
Sunrise Boogie
Scaling the snow-capped peaks of Aranna
What a gorgeous view!
Then there was that one Glitchmas I was the star atop the tree...
Trapped in the clink for smuggling
Hey, that's my outfit! LOL
Paradise by the Piryan Light
Feeling a little shifty in Blooian
Looks like my Magic Rock rolled on elsewhere...
Feeling drawn to Cebarkul
Uhh...hello Magic Rock!
Aye! 'Tis a fine shrine with my new flags of the giants!
Playing hide and go seek
I think I'm good for a while...
Wish you were here!
Wish you were here!
Still a ways to go. I definitely need to go out and get more...
Three floors! Glorious!
You don't want to see the backyard...
Moving Day!
Wish you were here!
High five on the moon~!