Quoise's Snaps

I can recreate this cookie tree in actual cookie!
It was always neat to come across the known bug sign.
Under the bridge!
Writing a script to the underground access but feeling like it's...
The view in my old neighborhood.
My treasures and rare items. I'm so fond of these pixels.
The currant quoin above me could be really, really large.
My very favorite QoUS.
The spices that spawn in Ix! I originally thought they fell from...
The little hidey hole in Jacob's Climb. It was a pretty public...
The underground cave in Nandak Intention. I have never seen both...
Another secret treehouse platform in Paala Latte. Given away by...
The not quite hidden underground cave in Lampaan Avert where...
A cave of awesome in Maale Bads. This is viewable from the street...
A not-hidden-from-view treehouse, with a quoin of unusual size.
The Cheese Cave in Boda Apta. Later it also smallerized you.
Just overhead is the second secret treehouse I found. Others did...
The Pedios Fig treehouse was the first I found, all by myself. I...
I will miss finding crabpod headphones left behind by others....
Lurio Run was a great street for high value quoins. I'm going to...
I love the iPhone on the counter next to the cup of coffee. It's...
Phix in my new living room.
We found the jail!
Scions in love <3
As big as the Rube!
Menacing the crates and vase! Grrrr argh!
I know I'm inside of Glitch but my immediate reaction was to...
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