muffin's Snaps

I was button mashing my pig and somehow ended up here. :D
Oh man, that purple trip must have been bad. Just woke up and it...
:O It's a the moon! My best impression of Bruce!
Moon portal!
Moon portal, hooooo!
Another portal to the moooooooon!
Portal to the mooooooooon! :D Happy Bruce wants to party.
Ooooh, I didn't make it to the Annex last time.
Sigh, so pretty...
Firefly waterfall! Happiest day in Glitch, ever.
This is what it took to get all my unpacked belongings 'off' the...
And I didn't notice it until just now, there's a pretty little...
I rather like my old block. We had a pretty pond.
4256 Lowland Track, so much
Aww, Lowland Track...I still gots your back...!
Completely unpacked! Yep, such a bad idea. ;D Mmmmm, meat!
My pickle unpacked in mid-air!