Zelda Mikiki's Snaps

Moonwalking O.O
Okami, Just because I look a little different doesn't mean you...
*Scratch Scratch Scratch* Mew? Maybe turning into a cat wasn't...
Wondering what I should do now... I have 10k for the first time,...
and the next one is.. oh, I only have the get out of Hell free...
I'm now just doing it for the music :D
And this made me get my 17th level.
That doesn't look....safe
The moon is happy
That seems a little out of place....
I can fly !
Gotta Give to Moon a Hug!
I remember you, you were the guy who told me that it was spacebar...
And So the kitten was Hatched
Zombies will rule
No-no on the moon!
Dun Dun Duh!
wow, scince when was Ajaja bliss empty?
That much img for what I gave? Really? I only gave 24 messy fry-ups!
Do you like Green eggs and Ham?
Sketching Okami. (The Piglet)
What? I was only showing you my Photo's of Naraka!
Yes, Your are adopted. But your safe here, except maybe if I want...
Well, we nearly look the same, we both have pointy ears, brown...
Ah, at last, a friend to talk to! Such a shame he can't talk back...
Alas, not a single new letter. My house is very lonely. Except...
My HOuse looks suitably Civillised now. This is a good thing. I...
My Eye?
Hurdles with signs
Much better version I think. (Inthelittlewood's parody of Baby...