Talaria Wingfoot's Snaps

My sweet cottage home with Rock and Butler
Just a simple country kitchen to welcome friends and other visitors
The Gamer Packrat problem.
The famous talking Rock
Ready to grow more Awesome Stew vegetables in the backyard.
Second floor office and crafting supplies. Deciding whether to...
Second floor office and visitors lounge
Lunchtime in the library, relaxing with the coffeetable fishtank
Time to take a quick workbreak nap with my bears and Christmas Yeti.
Finished making poles and beams and fabric, time to head...
Third floor workshop with lab counter
My comfy bedroom with stuffed bears and the Christmas Yeti!
Like walking into a hollowed out tree that's been decorated by...
Can't you just see yourself in that chair by the warm fire with a...
Don't you wish your RL bedroom was as beautiful as LanaLoo's...
LanaLoo's elegant living room
Admiring the latest hairstyle!
A great new hairstyle - two tone!
Same day, same place - Rascalmom asleep on a new riding animal!
Zilloween November 13, 2012 - kevbob sleeping in Cebarkul -...
The wonder of leaves changing color...
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