Big Moss' Snaps

Relaxing at the end of the day.
Have you ever looked in the sky above East Spice?
Ah, drowning.
attention Bachjess!
Wistful, nostalgic... and I'm scratching myself.
My Zilloween costume is actually more Grendaline's style. Whoops.
hiding my Zilloween costume shame from the chickens
Chickens, now in extra-scared!
Orangian... what an unusual and mysterious name.
WHOA. I feel so small and insignificant.
OMG, these windows!
diave has a bit of cleaning up to do after this party... whoops
I think the downtime borked my herb garden. :(
Dang it, I know I left my prize wheel around here SOMEWHERE.
Twoo Wub
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