Perion's Snaps

Scenic 'n stuff.
The chicken's neck makes this picture. Totally.
Hidin' out at Rube's.
A new added bonus
Happy Moon is happy.
Death stare from Rube. In a pig pen. I think I've reached my low.
I'm a star, dammit.
Well done, Glitchen
Someone livened up the place. Looks pretty. :)
Three foxes, no badge. This f**king bites.
Buncha Lushes
Home is where my stuff is. Lots of tweaking lately.
Why isn't THIS my backyard?
More purrrrrrrty
Welcome, Butler! The Rock hates you.
Note the question mark in the sky. You just wasted a second of...
The shrine's frozen. Can we get a maintenance crew over here?
The rock has had it with my plot-clearing. :|
There is peace and serenity in the light...
A Boost at Home
A Historic Jump!
Vintage Subway goodness
My one big splurge.
Mah House. Simple and functional. Kinda like me. :|
Deja Vuuuu, bitchezzzzz!
Awwwww, the old homestead on Bailestorth Shin
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