John Egbert's Snaps

what is even going on...?
what is on my head.
i love these sloths so much.
look at how metal this guy is.
god, this is such a cool feature to this place.
i also love that this chicken is climbing this ladder.
i'm taking this one for kooj.
a sloth just peeeeeeeeking out.
i love these mushrooms, oh my god? so colorful!
i'll go exploring in these guys a LITTLE BIT later.
i forgot about these!
this is horrifying.
you're supposed to have two people operating this. one person...
oh man, a manor, not a tower.
so many cats. so many.
i love just finding chicken in trees.
awesome tablet i found.
game show ticket!
hiding, hiding.
karkat communing with his people.
i love this view...
secret hideout.
we have claimed a cave.
we found a fortune cookie here! "If you look in the right...
look at this tree.
check this hole.
i am with doombees on my quest around here now!
pig party yo.