Avnas' Snaps

Dat laugh track
I don't remember this part?
Some more nice scenery!
Lovely mountain in the distance!
A quick snap of the bureaucrats, since I never got one the last...
Good to see the Bureaucratic Hall is still around!
A migrating herd of pigs in the savannah.
Wheat fields in Kajuu?
The first person I met on my journey! We harvested the bean tree...
This is where my housing street used to be!
Icon collection completed!
I lost my poor piggy, somewhere in Cebarkly, so I'm on top of...
The Ninth Doctor has cloned himself.
Some beautiful scenery!
A rare wild sighting of kevbob!
I love this!
And a lovely faux patio!
LittleAngel's adorable kitchen!
How peaceful!
Piggy in a tree. What.
Shh, I'm hiding.
How peaceful!
Looks like Willard's copy machine is a bit out of whack.