LisaNH's Snaps

Rainbow potions are wicked fun.
Come do stuff on my roof. Wow, that sounds dirty. Rainbow! Whee.
Lots of goodies on my roof.
Groovy new chairs, doors still broken
I would pay serious img to have a permanent rainbow potion on my...
Lots of visitors with rainbow potion on your roof.
2 rainbow potions! I win more!
Rainbow potion on the roof. I win.
Awesome stew central. 10K beans + 1500 potatoes + 1000 meat,...
Party time!
I've turned into a factory farm. Sorry piggies!
Finally made it through the whole awesome bean route.
The Greedy Bastard room.
I keep feeling like I'm going to fall out of the house. A balcony...
Finally sorted. For a while it looked like an awesome stew...
Still waiting for my boxes.
All I have is a machine shop. Have yet to find my crap.
Test house kitchen, bedroom, office.
Test house dining room.
1353 Ivalo Trims. I'll miss you!
I kept my icons here so I'd be forced to visit and feed the pigs.
My little bog house
Funny quoin ... wonder what it is?!
Tree killers
True love right there. Random kindless while he grinds.
The booze bar -- wine, beer, hooch.
Looks like a growth of some sort.
Such a man cave, FrankNH's house.
They look wasted but no wonder with the size of those cocktails.
So many eggs!
My favorite pile o' quoins. Except for the sad 0 xp ones now.
Sweet chocolate trophy
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