Sequoia Baer's Snaps

I kind of wish I could go swimming...(thanks for the photo,...
I can see the matrix
Happy Zilloween everyone :)
There is a shell on my head and it won't stop singing
In the mouth of the Giants
This reminds me a little of Myst
Contemplating a mysterious orb
I keep clicking on this visiting stone and it refuses to take me...
...I'm not sure what I've stumbled upon here...
Nice use of colour (or lack thereof)
Not quite a rainbow, but stil pretty
Where did you go magic rock??
Time to roll in a great big pile of currants :D
Finally able to see the quoins and I fall off a cliff...
*squints* There are quoins around here somewhere, right?
I didn't know you could bury your streetsign in dirt!
Just hanging down here with the owls
Took me a while to figure out the theme of this tower, but I like...
...did that couch just talk?
This last museum on my tour is a little creepy
This museum is making me hungry
Maybe if I had a spare million currants or two I might buy...
Drowning my sorrows at a little underground bar, you've probably...
Last stop on my alphabetical tour of my friends. What is Yeti...
Looks like Vaxette forgot to get anyone to check their mail while...
Visiting everyone's streets, I come across a library!
The miracle of cheese
Another glitch in the matrix
Pondering the impermanence of all things...
2nd floor: rocks and fossils