kalsangikid's Snaps

All quiet in Namaste.
Nothing like a bit of orange juice in the morning.
I've always wondered about this mountain. I guess I'll never...
Definitely a bad batch of purple. @_@
He was raised by helikitties.
If I can levitate long enough, maybe I can fly out the window....
So my whole world has been inside a cardboard box?!
Herbs and shrooms, the grow-ables we never had.
I love it here already.
I wouldn't go there, if I were you.
Wow, this actually looks like a place where I grew up. It's the...
Some poor kid dropped their cubimal off the side of the boat.
Ah, why can't we have a full snap of this place? :(
This is the last place I expected to see you, old Rubie.
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