Autolycus' Snaps

You always look down on the ground for foxes. But look up, and...
Heli Kitties of Overwhelming Nostalgia
Taller tower from outside
My first Icon: Lem
Namaste, dude.
Walking, I get this Time Quoin
Jumping, I get this hidden Giant Favor Quoin
Blinking, I step into the light.
Purple cavern
Are these the roots of the Fruit Trees from above?
I hope the other Glitches in the old logo are doing okay.
Tiny motes in the light that shines in the cave
Murky, misty, mysterious Massadoe
Misty, sparkly cavern
Note to self: Consider "Holy Zarquon's Singing Fish" as...
No bones, no bottles, but plenty of beauty
Lunch break...
Story time...
Blooian becomes Bloodcurling
Blooian is Breathtaking
Blooian is Beguiling
Blooian is Blootiful
Ya, I remember when I saw Sloth Knockers when they were on tour....
A Fawlty Tower
Vaala Vena view
Kinder words never were spoken.
Deep, dark, dense forest
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