Reserved One's Snaps

Sharing "hearts"
Need a designated driver if we are going to drink these decorations.
Teamwork - we finished decorating one of our Glitchmas trees at...
Glitch Glitchmas tree
Everyone smile :-)
Portal to fun. Off to another party !
Just as peaceful as the last time I was here. Bahula in Samudra
Exploring solo - Kailki in Samudra
all looking @ Cosmic Carrie - Nylon Phool party
Woke up and learned I had been splanked. As Eek is saying...
Oh no, not again! Gesundheit !!!
Misbehaving at Eek's house (we were jumping on his bed)
End of the where is the pot of gold? - Onkamo Ward...
Please close your mouth Alph, I am only passing by. - Kolan...
Sol & RO... I'm the "angel" (hee hee) ornament.
We are smokin' hot !
Glitchen star ornaments!
In the hot seat but still waiting for Santa....
Someone left their breakfast....
Noone ever rides the subway with me. :-(
More line or blue line? - Eastern Approach Subway...
Sol, wake up, wake up! (mmmm, must have partied too hard last...
Free submarine rides below in Aquarius) ....c'mon gang, let's go
Is this the Dawning of Aquarius? (music in background) :-)
My "best-est" friends, always coming to my rescue....
Walking with Eek...should have "followed"....yep, RO...
Chillin' together in Namaste
Where did Cinn go?
Everyone is upstairs talking about getting nude & streaking....
"C e l e b r a t i on, come on!" Cat's house