

Status update

Bye bye everyone :) I hope we meet again someday in Ur..

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Status update

T-T ...I don't want this site to disappear... as grateful as I'm..for all the nice experiences I had, I wouldn't mind to pay a subscription or fee just to come in here. /A very sad and scared to change -more change- Glitchen

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S-Wahnsinn joined
a long time ago
S-Wahnsinn joined
a long time ago
Reply to
Zuzu Zero

I hope a new year will bring happiness to you all and that everyday is as exciting as this game was ! Happy new year (A day early ) :D

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Status update
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Status update

Happy New Year fellow Glitchens :) ! May the grace of Humbaba and the Giants shine upon you.. But seriously now; HNY ^_^b Thank you all for making this game special, hopefully you all can read this before the website closes (as far as I know it wont happen today but who knows..!). Wish you guys nothing but the best~. See ya!

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But...we will never know...../tears
Thanks for all the fun, TS!
Thanks for everything ! TS!
I will never forget this game!
Goodbye my home, my street :'(
After all this years, it is time to say goodbye. Here, S.W--Stopan Winnow-- home of S.W, a friendly Humbaban-glitchy-glitchen who enjoyed countless walks from here to Cebarcul, petting animals, singing to butterflies, and st-..borrowing cherries from trees,says goodbye. Fellow Glitchen who's reading this right now, I wish you a happy new year. And remember Humbaba is always with you...
A note!
Aww :') thank you so much for your nice words, ZuZu Zero.
It's too bad we meet now on this, the last day, wish you the best.
Regards~ S.W.