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Gonjo Gonjo added Aro as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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I have been very depressed for about a week now, I don't know why. I'm going to talk to my best friend about it, but I'm sort of annoyed by the fact that i don't even know why I'm sad. It hangs over me like a cloud, I'm dragging myself through the days. The new best time of the day for me is when I'm asleep, at leqst I don't feel depressed then. I don't know what's going on with me :(

13 replies

Status update

Hey Bacon!! :-) I've dealt with depression and anxiety for about 5 years now. I highly encourage you to make sure someone around you is aware of how your feeling. The sleeping thing is totally normal for depression; at the peak of mine I'd sleep 18 hours a day. Hang in there.

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Just bought a ten gallon aquarium. The noise the filter makes reminds me of the music in Jal. :'(

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Even though I'm hoping otherwise, it looks as if tomorrow ends our time together. Goodbye fellow Glitchen. I hope we find eachother in another life. :-)

2 replies

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Excellent! Thanks for the info :-)

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Status update

Even though I'm hoping otherwise, it looks as if tomorrow ends our time together. Goodbye fellow Glitchen. I hope we find eachother in another life. :-)

2 replies

2 replies
  1. Hen vla Ham

    No - don't worry too much. Little poundcake mentioned in a status reply, that TS are all off for the holidays and will not shut down the forums without a little warning :) so at least a few days more! Happy New Years

  2. Aro

    Excellent! Thanks for the info :-)


I love you Acey. <3
A note!
So your hair is green today? ... No purplish-brown.

Sorry I went offline, my internet is screwed up. Thanks for the ice breh...