Holly Waterfall


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I just signed up to keep track of this as a new game possibility. FAQ said it all for me. www.magefaireonline.com/fre...

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Holly Waterfall

Thank you Fae! Your two cents was definitely worth way more. I appreciate you clarifying what I said. ((hugs))

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Holly Waterfall

Even Obama wants Glitch to come back :P "Obama also tasked the Biden-led team with considering ways to improve mental health resources and address ways to create a culture that doesn't promote violence. " from an article on AOL

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3 replies
  1. Faereluth

    Perhaps someone needs to point Obama in this direction :)

    1 reply

  2. kastlin

    Well, where the heck was he in early November?!?!?? Oh, right. He's a politician.

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botanicula.net/ You can play the demo for free there, and the full version costs $10 to download. :)

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Holly Waterfall

I looked at that once. It was kind of too weird for me. But thanks.

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It's an awesomely adorable game. I enjoyed it very much. :)

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  1. Jheya

    botanicula.net/ You can play the demo for free there, and the full version costs $10 to download. :)

    1 reply

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Please, please open. The world needs glitch...the kindness, the happiness, the goodness. Children shot and killed at a school!!! wtf????? The real world is going mad and I am heartbroken.

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Holly Waterfall

Yes, GreyGoose I agree! This school was only about an hr away from where I grew up. The reports are horrific. I really seriously think the Giants need to help fix this mess of a world.

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Please do NOT feed the piglets and chicks. I like them small. Thank you.
Ginger Ellie