Sir PhoenixBlade

(Sir PhoenixBlade)

Well I am a nerd or geek whatever u prefer who loves sci-fi just less then I love Jesus


Sir PhoenixBlade's auction of 5x Musicblock DB-3, for 1975 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Teleportation IV Sir PhoenixBlade finished learning the Teleportation IV skill
a long time ago
Arborology V Sir PhoenixBlade finished learning the Arborology V skill
a long time ago
Potionmaking II Sir PhoenixBlade finished learning the Potionmaking II skill
a long time ago
Myra-Chan Myra-Chan added Sir PhoenixBlade as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Martial Imagination Sir PhoenixBlade finished learning the Martial Imagination skill
a long time ago


Study of Cubimal Behaviour
I have noticed that when racing they really try to please the person they are racing for but they truly do not like to be in captivity.

Yet they do not say where they are from or if released where they go.

It is a mystery this Cubimal researcher would like to discover some day.