Pizza Butts


Series 2 Cubimal Wrangler Pizza Butts earned the Series 2 Cubimal Wrangler badge
a long time ago
Series 1 Cubimal Wrangler Pizza Butts earned the Series 1 Cubimal Wrangler badge
a long time ago
Friend of Cubimals Pizza Butts earned the Friend of Cubimals badge
a long time ago
Pizza Butts reached level 15
a long time ago
Gonjo Gonjo added Pizza Butts as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago


You're amazing.
The music in this game, the heavenly imagery and the sweetness of everything has made this game such a delight to play. It's a shame something with so much love put into it and such a following has to end. To the creators of this game, you should be proud of what a remarkable world you've created. You've touched so many people who needed this.