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This game was absolutely preposterous. And yet, I kind of liked it.

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I still have Glitch dreams. I'm glad so many of us are still around :)

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Pickle Bob

Any other SongPop, Draw Something (apps) Kingdom of Loathing, or Nation States players anywhere???????

12 replies

Status update

I'm on Nation States. People's Republic of Kieheman Course.

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Status update

Got Harvest Moon: A New Beginning to try to fill the gardening and designing my little house void. It's fun but not as fun as Glitch. *mumblemumble trees why won't you let me pet you????*

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I miss randomly kissing people. Or was it kissing random people?

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Status update

Randomly kissing random people? Yep, that's Glitch all right. And filling sleeping people's pockets with Random Kindnesses.

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Thanks for the wonderful memories
Glitch helped me deal with my depression during a 16-month stint of unemployment. This fantastic game and its amazing community supported me through that hard time in my life and as soon as I got my first paycheck from my new job, I became a subscriber to try to give back a tiny portion of what Glitch has given me.
I am so very sad to see Glitch go but I wouldn't trade the time I've spent on Ur for anything.
I love all my fellow Glitchen and Tiny Speccers and will miss this place terribly.