Morgana The Great



stoot replica dolls.

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Innie✿, Obviously

I really miss Glitch, the music, the pigs, the trees, the butterflies, and scratching my butt. *sobs*

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Morgana The Great

You cannot learn skills while the game is disabled. May we suggest spending time in the forums or some groups? Yes, I will spend time in the fourums and groups... but the game will never become *sniff...snifff....* wait! *CRIES* enabled. WAAAA!! WAAA!

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+ means add. - means subtract. I'll explain the multiplication and division to you lateer, those are hard to learn.

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Morgana The Great

Wait.... what does subtract mean again...? I DON'T GET IT!?!!!?!?

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Status update
Morgana The Great

The Deimaginators may have caught glitch, but they cannot catch us, nor our fellings for it. I loved glitch and the live that came with it. Thank you everyone for this amazing communtiy!

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This paper is stupid its missing 11 cubimals:
Smuggler,greeter bot,chick,froggy,uncle friendly,yeti,dust bunny,butterfly,cactus,deimaginator,bureaucrat
A note!
1.} Cottage Cheese: you will need: a grinder 3 cheese awesome 2 pinches of salt and 1 pineapple pot and 2 butterfly mik. what you do: crush the cheese to get curds, use awesome pot to make cottage cheese .

2.} Bacon: you will need:Knife and board, frieing pan, 3 meat, 5 pinches os salt what you do: slice meat with knife and board add salt to the meat then fry it in the pan.

3.} under water reigon called..umm..uhhh.....molloni, choroki or friendlaki...there is 15 streets (up to you to name them) but if you don;t have the water breathing skil you can only go through 3 of them also there are clams that you can get pearls from but many are epty and if you get a pearl a jelly fish will chase you like a juju bandit but it will kill you if it touches you and it will take back the pearl also there will be seahorses to get scales from and fish to get salmon from

I hope you will tell other staff and game workers about this so it may be put in the game
