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Man... I'm sure gonna miss this crazy game. Every person made this game what it was, and I love you for it. See you again soon!

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How much I'll miss Glitch can't be put into words. All I know is that this place has been like... home for a while. I still had so many things to do here, finish my tower, explore many other locations, ... thinking that all of that will remain undone, it just hurts. The world is such an unfair place sometimes, while so many horrible things should end... this amazing world 'Glitch', finds itself on its last days. Why not something else? Why now? Some questions are just bound to remain unanswered, and somethings, even if agains our will, shall, maybe forever, ramain undone. -Asuna (Carmela) ...2013...

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While the giants awoke long ago, we Glitchen are still here: pounding at the doors of our imagination, hoping we will someday return to Ur.

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This has been the wallpaper I use lately.

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Master Gardener Kirkpad finished learning the Master Gardener skill
a long time ago

My girl and I. (Shes Elizabeth Awesomo by the way)