Melting Sky


Little Poundcake

Final tree war outcome in West Spice: one gas plant, three bubble trees, four fruit trees, one bean tree, one wood tree. No spice!

Melting Sky

I never got to return and check on Wickdoon before the lights went out. I hope the world went to sleep with wood trees there.

Melting Sky


Melting Sky

My double trees, tree herb gardens etc. survived to the very end. Too bad I lost Imenski Jones before it was his time.

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Melting Sky

That last comment was actually something Glitch and the fun people I met here long ago inspired me to write which seems very fitting now.

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Melting Sky

Never lament that it won't last when the warm sunlight breaks through the cold grey clouds and paints a rainbow in the sky. Etch it deep into memory and keep it close to your heart so that you may remember warmth and beauty during those long dreary stretches where the sun no longer shines.

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Melting Sky

Ooops, I seem to have found myself here again.

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