

Groddle Meadow Completist Gazkab earned the Groddle Meadow Completist badge
a long time ago
Gazkab's auction of 2x Purple-Orange Circle Key, for 344 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Maybe purchased Gazkab's auction of 2x Yellow-Purple Triangle Key, for 344 currants.
a long time ago
Hunter Thompson purchased Gazkab's auction of 1x Red-Green Triangle Key, for 646 currants.
a long time ago
javi122 purchased Gazkab's auction of 1x Orange-Blue Square Key, for 333 currants.
a long time ago
Lazy Cubimal purchased Gazkab's auction of 1x Musicblock BB-1, for 322 currants.
a long time ago

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