a lifted pixel


Status update
a lifted pixel

Goodbye, Glitch. I'll miss you more than I've missed anything of this kind.

0 replies
Hi Baller a lifted pixel earned the Hi Baller badge
a long time ago
Status update
a lifted pixel

I haven't been able to bring myself to log in until today. I'm really going to miss this game and I never managed to get out of the denial stage.

0 replies
a lifted pixel joined
a long time ago
Acelazer Acelazer added a lifted pixel as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Animal Kinship VII a lifted pixel finished learning the Animal Kinship VII skill
a long time ago


Game idea
When moving items between bags, the 'drop' sound should be played. At the least, there should be some audible notification.
Game idea
I would like to write over the 'new day', but I'm afraid it'll lose my text, so I'll just wait until tomorrow.
Game idea
It's hard to click around the super harvest rainbow, your own or others. I think I've already written this down though. You also can't click through sparkly...
Check it out!
A note!
Get this back to me and I'll give you a reward!

(Left note on Tower St South).

-a lifted pixel

Found by Princesstoadstool http://www.glitch.com/profiles/PHFCLLTA94D2UC7/
What's this?
You found one of my notes!
Get this back to me for a reward!

(Left this note on Totakuru Trample)

-a lifted pixel

Found by curiousfae http://www.glitch.com/profiles/PHV1B254DA4217I/
Want some pickles?
Get this note back to me for a free stack of pickles!

(Left this note in Ritzrock Rise)

-a lifted pixel

Found by bickman2k http://www.glitch.com/profiles/PA9795GB5VD250J/
Game idea
With the text "[Lazy Cubimal] hugged you! Mood +2", make the players username clickable so we can eacily exchange emotes and see exactly who it was that verbed us. :]

What exactly determines our name color in chat?

Some way to 'claim' a food/drink spawn point as the chef/mixologist. Allow users to tip you (items convert to currants? Or stay as items? Or some more unlockables?) through tip jars?

omg i really just want a better version of second life.