Princess Zircon


Status update
Princess Zircon

Hey MetalGear! Sign up for MageFaire! Happy New Year to you and all our fellow Glitches! (Devs too!!). May the coming year bring us a new home to be together again. Glitch will always be in our hearts! NEVER FORGOTTEN!!!

1 reply

1 reply
  1. Minkey

    Happy New Year! (I signed up for MageFaire too)


TS Water Cooler Talk


The Adventures of Gary the Gyno


A note!
Amazing! what a great idea! it looks great in a weird but wonderful way! lol
A note!
Bravo! Bravo!
A note!
thank you for this wonderful game. You know you've done a great job, when people say they have to cry about it ending. I'll never forget this place!! :( Hope you and all the others at Tiny Speck, go on to greater success. Hope to see you in the future. Take Care