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bored no more

for those of you that aren't friends with me on FB or are and haven't heard, my family and I are being evicted. I have no idea where I will be living in about a month. We may be able to get a few more months, but we can't stay. I feel so lost right now.

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Bored, that sucks!!! Aren't evictions illegal in winter??? I wish I could invite you all to come live in my spare room...

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So, The Cat Face kindly let me borrow some of his music to add to this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxV... THANK YOU!

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The Cat Face The Cat Face added Cefeida as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
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:( I had to ask someone to find out how to get it :( It was really last-minute...

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Dagnabbit Rabbit

gumbie tried handing it to me, putting it down, putting it in a cabinet, mailing it to me, trading it. nothing worked. About two weeks ago, she figured out she could put it in a Gift box and sent me a key to her house. I went and picked it up in exchange for 87 intrinsic objects. I thought it might vanish when I moved it to my Greeter Badge but it never did. You can see the image on my FB.

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Status update

I thought I'd lost my Greeter badge, and then I resigned from the Greeter program...a while later I found it in my cabinet. I'd put it away! But I could never pick it up again. :(

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