Talia True


Status update
Talia True

Well my final farewell. Goodbye Glitch and thank you. Goodbye everyone I met and I hope we meet again in another game. I will always remember everything about the time I spent in Ur and it will be treasured and forever missed. Goodbye and good luck to you wonderful staff who were simply the best. Goodbye Stuart and good luck. Hope one day you create a game thats a bigger better Glitch. Goodbye x

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Where do we find our MY STUFF page?

3 replies

Status update
Talia True

on your home page hun, where it says "We have bad news..." in a yellowy box, is a blue link that says "Click here for your personal archive". That link is your "my stuff" page. xx

0 replies

I thought playing MB for crabs was cute for awhile but bored quickly of it. But, when I got the 'Make a Crab Happy' achievement, it was probably the highlight of any award I got in the game. I think I even gushed in Live Help about having just got the award. *squee!*

Talia True

I got that one right towards the end and I had to take a screenshot, i was so chuffed lol


Reply to
Dark Daphne

I'm here still missing you all, RIP glitch :'(

1 reply

Status update
Talia True

Hello stranger, its nice to hear from you again. Just wondering how you're doing? Keeping well? Behaving well? lol

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Reply to
Lyrical DejaVu

Ok, that came across really harsh, some things are hard to say, what went wrong or how severe the stability issues were.....there are those factors, still it does strike me mostly as what i said above

1 reply

Status update
Talia True

You do realise you are arguing with yourself now don't ya? lol I dion;t think you came across harsh at all, just honest. What I think truelly happened was that the fear of failing finally took over. I believe he loved Glitch, really loved Glitch and that it was his dream all placed in one wonderful world. The thought of the inners of your mind failing may have been too much to handle and so, given that he had already seen one of his gaming ideas fail, he stopped the game before it had a chance to go bad. Yeah I also think it was not given a good chance to become popular but then it never was. It took almost a year for me to receive access to the game via email after joining so he never seemed to be eager for the game to become popular. I think he wanted to show the world his inner mind but couldn't bear the thought of rejection, again. I can understand this cause no-one wants to be rejected for being their true self, do they? But i still think I would have given the game a good fight if it had been mine, instead of spillling out a dozen half-decent excuses that could be easily argued as being just that- excuses! But that is just my opinion.

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Talia True joined
a long time ago


A warm feeling
I had the same goal as you. I too managed to complete them before the end, well almost, just the defect chick left but I'll soon get that. I haven't managed to display them as wonderfully as you have so I'm glad I had a chance to see your complete display. Have added the building permit to your next tower floor, its not much but i hope it helps and you can complete it before sunday. xx
Wide Awake
I ain't sleeping, I'm just looking into my eyelids!!!
Sometimes I wake up grumpy............

Other times I let her sleep!
When your dreams turn to dust, vacuum!!

- Julia Cameron
Good Dreams
Dreams, if they're any good, are always a little bit crazy

- Ray Charles
HOPE is a waking DREAM

- Aristotle
Don't Give Up on Your Dream
One day maybe this dream can come true again. Keep Glitch in your heart, just like all those who have had the amazing experience of playing it. Glitch is one of a kind and I'm gonna miss the preposterous game like crazy.

Thank you