

First Emblem of Zille valerievengeance earned the First Emblem of Zille badge
a long time ago
Super-Sized Sycophant valerievengeance earned the Super-Sized Sycophant badge
a long time ago
Certified Boozehound valerievengeance earned the Certified Boozehound badge
a long time ago
Naraka Completist valerievengeance earned the Naraka Completist badge
a long time ago
Fiber Arts I valerievengeance finished learning the Fiber Arts I skill
a long time ago
Wanderer valerievengeance earned the Wanderer badge
a long time ago


A note!
Welcome to Glitch! I thought a few bits and bobs might come in handy as you're just starting out here. Remember to check out other Glitches' home streets as they often have free food available.