

Status update

Goodnight lovely little glitchens! I will miss you all till the end of times. Hope we meet somewhere soon again where we re-create the best community a game ever had. With neverending love, Nutty

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Piece of Serenity

Thank you all for being here. You are what made Glitch feel so special. It's time for me to go. Love you all so much. See you one day I hope.

11 replies

Status update

Thank you for being awesome! I hope to see you soon in a new awesome game! :)

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Status update

Wow that one is just ... wow, it sounds even great if it's been played backwards. I wish I had the money for it at the time. :(

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Ann DramaDuh Ann DramaDuh added Nutty as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Little Poundcake

Tee-hee, I'm in jail.


DO not stop posting these pics ever! I love seeing new stuff in the world! :)


Little Poundcake

Concept street with beehives. We never did figure out how to make honey occur naturally in the game.


...are those beehive-man? with the face and everything!



Well glitch old boy
It was the best time ever here, I was never bored a second with all the best people from all over the world and they all could just get along. I also made friend here that just brightened my day every time. So much love and joy in this best world full of giant imagination. The thought that this world be gone in less than a month just brings a tear to my eye.
I just feel so lost now.
Be safe everybody be safe!
With lots and lots of love, Nutty