

Jolly Good Chap Sunrise earned the Jolly Good Chap badge
a long time ago
Sunrise joined
a long time ago
Nishi-kun Nishi-kun added Sunrise as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
blinky bill blinky bill added Sunrise as a friend! (it's mutual)
a long time ago
Pumpkin Carver Sunrise earned the Pumpkin Carver badge
a long time ago
Sunrise's auction of 1x Ancestral Spirits, for 1379 currants, has expired.
a long time ago


burning glitch

This year's celebration of BURNING GLITCH will be held on road Hayseed 5, Choru on Standday the 16th of Fever, Year 19 at 21:00 (or Wed. Dec 21, 2011 at 9 pm EST).

Those wishing to paticipate should should wear red, orange, black, yellow, OR nothing at all. Literally. Bring bundled or loose grain and stuff to make flaming Humbabas. Hooch will be provided.

Share the joys and freedoms of Glitchdom, pass this note on!!