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Status update

I miss everyone and everything and all of you and mannnnn I just don't know what to do with my online self.

1 reply

1 reply
  1. buddhakitty

    Me too. Tried a bunch of other things. Feel a bit lost online now.

Keechie's auction of 24x Mabbish Coffee, for 10 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Keechie's auction of 1x Bead of Red Tiger Eye Necklace, for 990000 currants, has expired.
a long time ago
Keechie's auction of 1x Bead of Red Tiger Eye Necklace, for 990000 currants, has expired.
a long time ago


A note!
This is just beautiful.
A note!
So adorable and yet disturbing! THEY MOVE IN UNISON, OH NOOOO!

Thank you for you generosity!


Much better.
Thank you, Aziz.