

Status update
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Status update
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Social Butterfly Alissia earned the Social Butterfly badge
a long time ago
Seasoned Scullery Sleuth Alissia earned the Seasoned Scullery Sleuth badge
a long time ago
Green Meanie purchased Alissia's auction of 1x Musicblock DR-2, for 240 currants.
a long time ago
Andrew Tobolsky purchased Alissia's auction of 2x Musicblock XS-3, for 480 currants.
a long time ago


Resource routes!
For the Barnacles & Fireflies route follow the 1st sign
For the Bean Tree route follow the last sign
Thank you!
Thanks everyone, it was a pleasure to have this great year of Glitch. I've never played a game like this before, and probably never will.