Midori Melon


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Midori Melon

A day like today I would be walking the streets of glitch. ?

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Neon Tetra

I really miss Glitch today and need to be wandering Ur once more.

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Midori Melon

I'm still wondering why this is still put up. I mean, don't get me wrong it made me smile to come here today, but it also reminded me that I can no longer play in my favorite place :( Please bring Glitch back to us, we miss U'R.

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Status update
Midori Melon

Happy new year my glitchens. Miss you all dearly!

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I've missed you soooooooo!! I hope we one day we are on so we can skip into the forrest together! <3 ;P

Don't take the food, or my pigs!
The food you see layed here are for my pigs, please don't take the food, or my pigs! ~~~~~~~~ Tip: Whatever you do, DO NOT leave anything valuable on your front yard unless you want someone else to have it. Other people *including your own friends have access to it. Just keep that in mind. Thanks for reading! :] Pass it on - Midori Melon