Icarus Suraki


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Status update
Icarus Suraki

Thank you for existing, Glitch. Thank you so much.

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Status update
Icarus Suraki

Thank you other Glitchen for being so funny and welcoming and clever and creative and friendly and cooperative and entertaining and encouraging.

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Status update
Icarus Suraki

Thank you Ix and Uralia for being my favorite places in Ur. Thank you Groddle Everything for being so adorable.

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Status update
Icarus Suraki

Thank you trees, thank you rocks, thank you chickens, thank you butterflies, thank you batterflies, thank you foxes, thank you herbs, thank you vegetables...

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Status update
Icarus Suraki

Thank you to everyone who's played with me here at Glitch. Thank you to Tiny Speck for creating this game. Thank you to my magic rock. Thank you to Nigel my butler...

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Want, need, take!
Welcome! Please feel free to take anything you need left here by the still. And please feel free to harvest the bounty of the street (such as it is) if you're in need of it or want for it.

Share and enjoy~
Thank you
Thank you, TIny Speck, for creating Glitch and making it such an amazing, full, wonderful, imaginative place. It breaks my heart that it just can't be sustained. I know we, the players, would do anything we could to keep it going if we could. I hope that someday there will be another game that can be considered as rewarding and imaginative as this one--it will never be the same as Glitch, but perhaps something can be close. Thank you for all your work and creativity. I have loved and adored playing here for the brief time I knew about this place. Thank you so much for sharing your imagination with all of us. The Giants will live in our hearts forever. Ur will live in our hearts forever.