

Bowser RedDyeNo.5 earned the Bowser badge
a long time ago
Extremely Promising Tree Hugger RedDyeNo.5 earned the Extremely Promising Tree Hugger badge
a long time ago
Good Neighbour RedDyeNo.5 earned the Good Neighbour badge
a long time ago
First Eleven RedDyeNo.5 earned the First Eleven badge
a long time ago
Big Splasher RedDyeNo.5 earned the Big Splasher badge
a long time ago
RedDyeNo.5's auction of 1x Fertilidust Lite, for 200 currants, has expired.
a long time ago


Dear Aviatrix,
Ran into your place while exploring

Love your avatar, it's very stylish!
Harvested and took care of some of your trees
Thanks for the gas? It feels weird typing that.

Have a good day!
Urgent Message!
Dear Fellow Glitches,

This is an urgent notice pertaining to a
natrual gas leak from the gas plants that
has been recently detected. Please calmly
evacuate the street and beware of large
concentrations of Heavy Gas. If you feel light headed,
heavy, or have uncontrollable fits of laughter, please
visit the nearest poision control center.

We are doing our best to assess the situation. Until
then, please do not inhale too deeply.

-- Sandbox Gas and Electric